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  • Terrence McCarthy - Operations Manager

A day in the life as the Mother of Cats

Hello, my loyal subjects, my name is Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the lover of milk bones, Queen of the Winery and Customers, Khaleesi of the Great Daffodil Sea, Breaker of Collars, and Mother of Cats… but everyone just calls me Khaleesi. A little back story on me; after my time in Westeros, I was reincarnated as a dog. My dragons were also reincarnated in the form of cats, and let me tell you what, I would much rather be around fire breathing ravenous man-eating dragons. These cats are insane. One second, they are rubbing up on me, then out of nowhere, BOOM - a smack on the nose. Needless to say, I am having to relearn how to tame them. I will update you when I know more.

Being a dog has some perks. I can lay around all day, eat milk bones, everyone gives me pats and scratches on the head. If I like them, I let them rub my belly. A down side is that I have no fingers and I only speak dog, so my human must translate and type my thoughts for me. I was hired on at Lanthier Winery as the greeter and protector (easy work I must say). Part of my job is also conducting interviews with my human. Please stay tuned for introductions to the rest of the staff. For now, that is all. I must rest, my human woke me up early this morning and I need to have stern words with him.

Also... check out a neat little show that is on that has my a character with my name that starts tonight. Seems like it is a big deal. Game of Thrones I think.... my human talks about it all the time so you can entertain him for a bit by bringing it up. WOOF WOOF and please suggest I get a treat for being good when you stop into the winery and tell me I'm being good.

akasak ;afasdfaakaas klpu nad;; (the following is submitted from Bark to Text App)

So sorry... This is Khaleesi. I got to the blog before the human submitted. WOOF WOOF. crap. Not dog talk human talk. Okay. VERY IMPORTANT - When visiting Lanthier Winery you must suggest I get a treat for being good at the tasting counter and tell them I'm being good. Code word is "Mulligan said Khaleesi needs a treat!" WOOF. Crap. Thanks. Khaleesi Out! Enter. Send. Woof. a;d;;sdk dk;s


What does Khaleesi mean? - Khaleesi is a title given to the wife of a Dothraki warlord in the universe of the George R. R. Martin’s series A Song of Ice and Fire, popularly known as Game of Thrones after the name of the first book in the series and the television adaptation. It is roughly equivalent to “queen.” from

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